In Mahéquline we are enchanted by fairytales, old tales, and cherished memories—these come to life in the Mahéquline designs. Each piece blossoms from childhood dreams, far-off places, vibrant colors, friendships, and family bonds. We invite you into the tale of Mahéquline and how the brand came to be.

The first tale
On the bright morning of June 14th, the sun shone over the countryside as baby Caroline was brought to her new home. Her parents, full of anticipation, held her close, knowing this was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
the second tale
From a young age, Caroline adored color and creativity. She spent her days exploring the flower fields behind her house, picking vibrant blooms to share with her family. Each bouquet she gathered was like a little piece of magic.

The third tale
When Caroline learned to speak, she found her name a bit tricky. Her father would prompt her, “Say, ‘My name is Caroline,’” and she would respond, “Ma-hé-quline!” Thus, a nickname “Mahe” was born, a word infused with affection that would follow her through the years and hold deep meaning.
the fourth tale
Caroline's talent for drawing blossomed, as she poured her imagination onto paper. She would lose herself for hours in her sketches, bringing the characters of her imagination to life. Eventually, she developed a passion for fashion design, and the dream of creating Mahéquline began to take shape in her mind.

The fifth tale
A bittersweet farewell echoed through her home when Caroline turned 15, as she set off on a year-long adventure in Thailand. Her heart raced with excitement and anxiety as she ventured into the unknown, leaving behind the comfort of her childhood.
the sixth tale
In the lively markets of Thailand, Caroline found a love for the beautiful jewelry. Her sketchbook soon became full of designs inspired by the sights around her. Though she wanted to share her creations, her shyness kept her from starting her own brand. Still, her dreams remained strong.

The seventh tale
One sunny afternoon, Caroline and her friends gathered beneath the sprawling branches of Julie’s grand oak tree. Laughter and gossip filled the air, but soon their chatter turned to the difficulties of finding beautiful but affordable lingerie. Inspired, Caroline rushed for her sketchbook, her creativity sparking to life. In that moment, the vision of Mahéquline began to take shape in her mind.
the EIGHTH tale
Entranced by this new pursuit, Caroline dove into designing her lingerie. Her sketches transformed into tangible fabrics, and the thrill of creation was intoxicating. She lost track of time as she crafted her designs in her little apartment in Copenhagen.

The ninth tale
On a cold December morning in Copenhagen, a big package arrived at her doorstep — the first shipment of her very own lingerie designs. Caroline's heart swelled with pride — her vision had come to life.
the tenth tale
When the day of her first photoshoot arrived, Caroline felt a mix of nerves and excitement. With the support of her friend Emma, who modeled her pieces, she stepped into this new role and embraced the challenge.

The eleventh tale
Caroline began selling her lingerie at local markets, engaging with strangers who admired her work. Each sale boosted her confidence and marked a triumph over the shyness that had once held her back.
the last tale
Then came New York City, a place full of promise. Here, Caroline connected with motivated entrepreneurs who recognized the potential in her work. Their encouragement fueled her passion and inspired her to pursue her brand full-time. Thus, Caroline's story evolved into the dream of Mahéquline—a journey woven with creativity, colors, friendship and childhood memories.